Principal's Message

Welcome to Goulbourn Middle School!
GMS is a dynamic learning community that strives to create a safe and caring environment that supports students in maximizing their individual potential. Located at the south end of Stittsville, GMS offers a Regular English Program, Early French Immersion, Middle French Immersion, a General Learning Program, and a Specialized Gifted class. Our school mascot is Gouldie the Greyhound. Our current enrolment is approximately 214 Gr 6, 7 and 8 students.
We truly believe that all children do well if they can, and our role as educators is to provide the skills and supports to ensure they can! We also recognize that children will make mistakes, and when that happens, our goal is to support them in learning from those mistakes. We embrace Restorative Practices and follow the progressive discipline policy within the OCDSB when working through situations. Our goal is for children to learn from the mistakes they make and give them the opportunity to start fresh once a situation has been worked through.
At GMS, staff, students and parents work together towards common goals – academic excellence, social and emotional development, and positive attitudes. Our students are encouraged to become life-long learners and responsible citizens. Our kind, caring and dedicated educators include Teachers, Educational Assistants, Administrators and Support Staff who bring a wide range of skills and talents to this community and strive to create engaging instructional programs to enrich learning. We embrace opportunities to learn and continue to build our practice to best meet the needs of each learner in the classroom.
We are a team in your child’s journey. Please do not hesitate to reach out as we welcome your feedback and input.

Hanif Jamal
GMS Principal

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