Weekly Updates from the Principal - January 31, 2025
Greetings and Happy Winterlude! (Got to celebrate winter while we have it.)
New Websites
Check out the new look of the http://ocdsb.ca site and our very own http://goulbournms.ocdsb.ca site. Hopefully, you will find them even easier to navigate than earlier versions.
Conditions for Learning - Personal Electronic Devices (Think SMART PHONES)
There are many factors that contribute to the creation of an effective learning environment, and some that detract from it. (I bet some of you know where this is going...)
We have been reviewing the impact of phone use and in particular social media engagement on the creation of a positive school climate. While we greatly value the access to knowledge and skill development that computers and other forms of technology offer, we also need to be mindful of their limitations. We also view school as providing students a unique opportunity to engage with learning and with each other in a safe and stimulating environment. With that in mind, we are adjusting our policy with respect to smart phones, personal electronic devices and accessories such as wireless earbuds.
Beginning Monday, February 3, 2025, students must keep their phones, smart watches, other internet-connected personal devices and accessories such as ear buds in their lockers throughout the day, not just during instructional time. The principle exception is that students are welcome to bring them to a specific class and use them for learning under the explicit direction of their teacher. Other exceptions are that the device is needed for medical reasons such as blood glucose monitoring or supporting explicit special educational needs. Otherwise, the devices are to be lockers during school hours.
There is much to say about the bridge to social media that these devices create and their impact on learning that is beyond the scope of what we can properly share via a brief school message. They often serve as attention magnets and can interfere with individual social and emotional development. You will find that our policy is consistent with that of the Ontario Ministry of Education: https://www.ontario.ca/page/cellphones-and-other-mobile-devices-schools#section-2 The social psychologist Jonathan Haidt makes a compelling case for limiting access to technology and social media in particular in his book The Anxious Generation. You might find some of the information in his website https://www.anxiousgeneration.com/ helpful as well.
As always, we welcome your questions and feedback about anything regarding your child's learning at GMS.
Dates to remember:
February 3, 2025 Winter Wellness Ski & Snowboard Days
- Deadline for submitting completed forms to Mr. Kelly
- Deadline for entering information in the Mount Pakenham portal for students renting equipment.
- Make payments using the school cash online portal.
February 5, 2025 Grade 8 Grad Photo Day!
February 7, 2025 Deadline for Grade 9 Registration (Mr. Mahon has been guiding Grade 8 students and their families through this process.)
February 7, 2025 OCDSB Elementary school transfer window for 2025-26 school year closes
Have a wonderful winter weekend!