Weekly Message from Principal - March 21, 2025
March 21, 2025.
Dear Goulbourn MS Community,
We have been enjoying the warmer temperatures this week and are happy to see the grass emerging. Students and staff continue to work together on the “Shrek” musical, and our basketball teams are looking forward to an exhibition game coming up next week, ahead of their tournament at Stonecrest ES. Thank you to our parent drivers for making participation in these activities possible. At the end of February, GMS gathered $276 as part of the Toonie Tuesday event. This money has been gratefully received by the the Education Foundation of Ottawa-Carleton, to be used as it provides needed services and supports to students across the OCDSB, including at GMS. Thank you to everyone who generously contributed to this charitable fundraiser. This week, Ottawa Public Health completed their second and final round of vaccinations for our grade 7 students. If your child missed being vaccinated, please visit the Ottawa Public Health vaccination page to find out about their on-going vaccination clinics which are available in the community. Below, you will find messages from OSTA about a bus stop change, an upcoming Hot Dog Day, and messages about two upcoming webinars offered by the OCDSB.
Wishing you a pleasant weekend and week ahead,
Kimberly Power, Principal (Acting)
OSTA Message: change of bus for one stop - Bus V14 to Bus V63
Effective Monday, March 24th, 2025, the following stop will move from bus V14 to bus V63 for both AM and PM service:
Stop: Meynell at Hackamore (N)
This change is being made to reduce bus overloading and will slightly affect some stop times for both bus routes. Updated pick-up and drop-off times will be viewable in the OSTA Parent Portal starting the morning of March 20th. Please note these changes will not take effect until Monday, March 24th.
April 3: Students’ Council Hot Dog Day
Student council will be hosting a hot dog lunch on Thursday, April 3rd. Beef, Vegan, and Halal hotdogs as well as apple and orange juice will be available for purchase on School Cash Online until Sunday, March 30th. Relish, ketchup, and mustard will be provided free of charge. Diced onions will be available as an add-on. Thank you for supporting our student council and activities at GMS. Buy your hotdogs today at School Cash Online.
OCDSB: Autism Awareness - Guest Speaker
An evening with Dr. Grant Bruno discussing Decolonizing Autism: A Nehiyaw (Plains Cree) Perspective.
This live presentation by Dr. Grant Bruno is available to all OCDSB employees, students, and parents/caregivers via a Zoom link. Participants are encouraged to join the premiere showing on April 10, 2025, at 7:00 p.m., where an opportunity for questions will be provided. The recording will remain accessible to OCDSB staff until October 2025. Click on the link above to register for the Zoom presentation.
OCDSB Speaker Series: Navigating the Challenges of School Refusal & Avoidance
Thursday March 27, 7:00-8:30 via webinar
When children struggle with school attendance, the impact can be felt across the whole family. The OCDSB is hosting a webinar with the non-profit organization PLEO, alongside OCDSB social workers who also serve as attendance counsellors. Together, they will share strategies and insights to help you navigate these challenges while maintaining a healthy relationship with your child. Registration is needed for this webinar, and the link is provided below.
LINK to OCDSB web page for Information
Topics to be discussed include the following:
- The emotional impact of school refusal on families, and strategies for fostering a supportive home environment.
- Practical tips for addressing school anxiety, including communication techniques and collaborative problem-solving.
- Insights into the underlying causes of school attendance difficulties, and how to support your child and work as partners with the school.
- Supports available at your child’s school and in the community.
Upcoming Events
Thurs., March 27: Feeder School Information Night, 6:00-7:00
Thurs., March 27: Navigating the Challenges of School Refusal & Avoidance, 7:00
Fri., March 28: Professional Development Day (no school)
Sun., March 30: Sales Close for Hot Dog Day on School Cash Online
Wed., April 2 World Autism Awareness Day
Thurs., April 3 Students’ Council Hot Dog Day